Thursday, May 9, 2019

The New Job - Saving For A Living

I've spent most my life trying to find something I love or to find a career that showed my worth. It's been a inner battle for me. I value my worth and have always felt my time is valuable. I earned my degree thinking this was going to add value but it never produced the income for me. I couldn't get a job off of my education and I am still paying for that degree. 

I left my career to find happiness in what I do. I found direct sales and I was feeling the high when I sold. I enjoy selling but the company didn't have the longevity and stability I needed. It has given me time to reflect about where I would like to go next. I did some soul searching and asked myself an important question. "Why couldn't I make it my job to save?" Seriously, why couldn't this be possible? I don't need to work but I enjoy making money. Saving is the opposite of making money but the concept has some validity. If I still had my 9 to 5, I would be spending extra money on lunches, dinners out when I came home tired, day care, gas, clothes, supplies, etc... What if I stayed home and was a Professional Saver? What if I found ways to save more than I earned? 

Honestly, if we as parents saw the value of raising our own toddlers as valuable than sending them to someone else to raise them during the day, we wouldn't be so quick to spend that money. An at home mom job is far more valuable these days. We don't give the job as much value it deserves. 

As my mission I've decided to become the Professional Saver. I've implemented a few tasks that will save the extra money to offset my income. Here is what I've done so far:

  1. I've installed a Retractable Clothesline Outdoor Laundry Line on my deck. I now try to hang as many loads to offset my electric bill.
  2. I've made it my mission to be the keeper of light switches. I don't look at this job as a mother who is angry with her children for leaving a light on. I see myself as helping my family by being the Professional Saver in the family!
  3. I hide all extra cash from my family. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hoarding or being a control freak. This helps my family stay in check. My husband will ask, "where is that $20 bill that was on the counter?" I let him know I hid it in a book or another spot. Out of sight, out of mind. If he needs it, I'm happy to give it out. We consciously think about where the money is going. 
  4. My husband and I use a cash card instead of an ATM Card. This gives my husband and I a moment to stop and think before spending. We have to physically move the money over and helps my husband to see the bank account before spending. It keeps us aware of our finances instead of spending blindly. Plus, it provides us the extra security from identity fraud. We only put the money we plan to spend. If our card information is stolen, they get $0.00 or amount left on the card. Not our entire checking account!

I'm working on more ideas to help with my new position in our family as the Professional Saver! Come back to see what I come up with and I hope I help you too! Let's hear your ideas too! Comment how you've cut the spending in your household.